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Rhetorical analysis essay. What to start with?

The first thing you need to remember about writing the rhetorical analysis essay is that your main goal is to persuade the readers to share your point of view on the issue you are talking about. This means, that your whole vocabulary and material delivery need to be quite specific to help achieve this effect.

What should my rhetorical analysis essay be about?

It is incredibly important to choose the right topic here, the one you are really good at as long as you do not only need to inform your readers about the certain matter but to make them trust and share your point of view. For this reason, it is better to choose the topic from the area you are really good at or feel good about spending some time to make a thorough research on the matter. 

Gathering the information

To be successful, every persuasive strategy has to be based on the background check. If we are talking about the rhetorical analysis essay, there are several things we need to pay attention to:

  1. The subject of your rhetorical analysis should be on the top of the news list as one of our main goals is to engage as many people at the author`s side as possible. For this reason, we cannot really stick to the topic from the narrow field. However, if you do think that the topic which is related to some specific area is about to have a huge impact on everything and everybody or even already has, you have to make sure that you explain how exactly is it possible without using any complicated words out of the common knowledge, so that every single reader would understand your point.
  2. In order to write a successful rhetorical analysis essay, you need to make sure that it is going to catch fire, which is only possible in certain circumstances. With this said, it is even better to choose the subject to write the rhetorical analysis essay about from watching the news or reading the newspapers.
  3. Who is going to read it? Try to imagine your readers. Who are these people? What is their background, level of education, political beliefs, age, gender, social status, level of income and many different things? All these factors will help you pick the best persuasive strategy considering your vocabulary, manner of speaking and, most importantly, choosing the right arguments that will absolutely convince your readers to share your point of view.
  4. What is your point? Which aim do you want to achieve with this text?
    This moment has to be the key to building your strategy as this is what you might want to see as the result of your rhetorical analysis essay. We do not speak about the mark here, but of the thoughts and ideas you readers might come up with after reading your essay.
  5. We all know that most people do not really trust the ideas someone is talking about unless this someone has a good reputation. For this reason, you have to make sure that in your writing, you let the readers know who you are and why do you dare to take their precious time by sharing your thoughts.

Beginning to write

As you might have already noticed, the rhetorical analysis essay is not the easiest thing in the world. There is a lot of room to screw up. So, what we suggest as a sort of insurance is this. Before beginning to write anything, make an outline.

Creating the outline of your rhetorical analysis essay

The best way to make the outline is to take a piece of paper and divide it into 3 parts:

  • introduction
  • main part
  • conclusion

This will help you to structure your thoughts rationally and find the most logical order to deliver them.

Writing the introduction of the rhetorical analysis essay

Imagine that you are watching a movie trailer. It is just a short video that, one the one hand, is giving you the idea of the movie and yet gives you no clues about its ending on the other. The trailer lets you decide whether this movie is worthy of your attention and several hours of your time, you get the approximate understanding of what you should expect of the upcoming movie, yet you also stay intrigued about how it is going to end.   The introduction in rhetorical analysis essay should be exactly like a good trailer, and intriguing advertisement of what you are going to be talking about in the main part.

For example, you are writing the rhetorical analysis essay about Blake Lively`s speech on child pornography. In this case, your essay could begin with something like this: “Several months ago Blake Lively, one of the worlds`s most popular actresses, the star of “Gossip Girl”, “Shallow”, “The Age of Adaline” and many other movies gave an emotional speech about child pornography on one of the charity events. Celebrity nearly cried when she was talking about the cases of pedophilia, child pornography, and the victims of sexual abusers. Unexpectedly, for many people, this was the information they never heard before as the number of child pornography films and reports on raping children turned out to be just gigantic. What are the origins of this problem? Can we fight it and how?…”

The main part of the rhetorical analysis essay

This part of your writing is not that tricky as the introduction, yet it also has some peculiarities that have to be taken into consideration.

No intrigue is needed here, this is the place where you come clean with your thoughts, telling everything you think needs to be said.

Just remember that it is very important to stick to your outline not to mess up with the structure. It might even be a good idea to make an outline inside the outline. In other words, while making the plan of your future rhetorical analysis essay, you will spare your time in the future if you make a very detailed plan for the main part of your essay.

Another important thing we think needs to be mentioned once again is the special persuasive language. Do not forget that your main point is to convince your readers that your point of view is the most balanced and rational and that it would be absolute insanity not to share it.

Writing the conclusion of the rhetorical analysis essay

The structure of the rhetorical analysis essay has to resemble the circle. We start writing it in search of the answers to the questions we have, try to answer them by discussing the arguments and yet leave the readers free to come up with their own choices and ideas on the matter you were just talking about. However, the main goal is for the readers to share your point of view. But they do not have to feel like you made them share it. This means that they don`t have to feel manipulated by the argument delivery or something else, give them the reason, logic explanation of why exactly do think so and why exactly is it the pure truth itself.

Yet, coming back to the “circle” structure, we need to make a little reminder. Not only does the conclusion have to keep the readers free to make up their own point of view, but, of course, it also has to summarize everything you have said in the main part.


We did our best to give you the most detailed explanation of what is the rhetorical analysis essay and how it is done. It is now our great hope that this article was helpful for you and you are now full of confidence and wise thoughts to kill the rhetorical analysis essay in the nearest future. You remember about making the outline before you start writing, being strict with the structure and stay persuasive. Basically, there is nothing really difficult here, just stay focused and do not panic. You are now more than welcome to check out some other useful articles on our website.