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How to write a speech and impress the audience: tips of our professional writers

Speech is the performance of a speaker in front of the audience. While written assignments don’t assume direct communication, speech always requires listeners and that is what makes it both challenging and exciting!

To write a good speech you should both know the subject perfectly and to possess charisma, know peculiarities of public performances and body language features. Are you ready to learn all the tips?

Then let’s get started!

The best tips you will ever find!

Our experts have experience writing speeches for many years and they have collected the best tips to help you succeed with your own assignment.

 Here are the tips you should keep in mind:

Choose topic ideas

Speech time is rather limited, so it is better to choose one or two key ideas and concentrate on them. Statistics show that people don’t remember much from speeches, so concentrate on the main idea.

Write as if you are talking

Keep in mind that people will listen to your speech, so try to make it simple and conversational, leaving complex language to essays and research papers.

  • Give preference to short sentences;
  • Use contractions;
  • Avoid complex words and definitions;
  • Write like you normally talk: there is no need to finish every sentence;
  • Read the draft aloud once you finish it. If your speech sounds boring, rewrite it!

Be clear and concrete

Instead of using common words and phrases try to remain specific. For example, try to replace ‘Spaces for children’s development are almost in no supply’ with ‘We need more sports fields and drawing classes for children’.

Gather all the facts

Your first and most important goal is to make people believe you know what you are discussing! That is why your speech should be based on solid research.

For example, your topic is environmental changes. You choose to switch all gas cars with electric ones as the main idea of your speech. But without facts, the audience won’t be able to understand whether your statement is true or not.

That is why you should first research the quantity of bad air every car produces every year, how many cars are sold yearly and how much pollution is it possible to cut.

You are free to use both Internet and library sources until they are reputable and credible. Your speech will sound much stronger if you back the main ideas with facts.

In case you are not sure what to write about, don’t worry! Just think about the things that worry you the most: global warming, gun control, education, medicine and so on. It is possible to create a strong speech only if you truly care about the topic.

Use the classical persuasive structure

The classical structure for a speech is called ‘Problem and solution’. In the first paragraph of your performance, you introduce the audience to the problem and explain what makes it so important.

Then you tell about the things that can help to improve the discussed problem. As you see, this structure is rather straightforward and doesn’t have any confusing patterns: everything is clear as day.

Classical structure helps to keep the focus on the problem. You can add facts, quotes and real-life examples to make your speech solid.

Make your speech simple

Once the first draft of your speech is written, put it aside for a while and take some time to relax. Then return to the assignment and search for words that are out of their place. For example, these may be complicated words and definitions or phrases that are too academic or that don’t sound like your regular speech manner.

Fewer words will make your point much clearer and won’t make the speech look watery. If you have any doubts, ask your friends or family to read the speech and leave comments on improvement. This is always helpful!